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    Shuto Orizari

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    Shuto Orizari. Entrée // Shuto Orizari, entrance

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    Music in the street

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    "When you dance, you're less hungry", said Esma Redzepova", the most famous roma singer of Macedonia, called "the gypsy queen"

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    Kosovo Roma family. "Integration is difficult here for us. "We have many problems with the owners" says Regip, the father

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    Gipsy song at school

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    Dervish ceremony. The majority of the romas are Muslim

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    Aliev, 70 years in front of his Tito's portrait.The difficult economic context is inspiring nostalgia of the communist time to the old inhabitants.

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    Kosovo roma refugees. Driven out by Albanian who accuse them to have taken part, in 1999, on the ethnic cleaning with serbians, Roma Kosovo people are more than 4000 to have taken refuge in Shutka

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    Musafa spent 20 years of its life to produce a Romani-Macedonian dictionary (it doesn't exist yet). He translated 25000 words at this day

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    In year 1963, an earthquake destroyed the dwellings of Skopje. Migrants and disaster victims were displaced.The authorities allocate ground and residences to them on the site of the garbage dumps. That's the birth of the city

Time of the Gypsies

En banlieue de Skopje, la commune de Shuto Orizari, est l’unique communauté rom autonome du monde, avec son maire rom, ses médias roms, et le romani comme langue officielle. Kusturica tourna et casta une partie de « Chat noir, chat blanc » dans cette ville surnommée « Happy valley ». Foyer culturel et terre promise d’un peuple éparpillé,  Shuto Orizari  concentre les espoirs et les difficultés liées à l’évolution des roms





In the suburb of Skopje, Shuto Orizari, is the single autonomous Roma city in the world, with a Roma mayor, some Roma medias, and romani language as official one. Here gypsies are at home. But this example, between ghetto and model of self-management, clarifies hopes and difficulties related to the evolution of the gypsies.


